The Revolver -

Thursday 12 August 2010

Ramadhan - The Contol over the five Senses .

What does Ramadhan mean.......? Well, if you ask this query to a 'Common Man' or a School going kid, they would say that itz a process of Starving from Dawn to Dusk during the particular month of Ramadhan, which is based on the lunar Calendar.
But this reply doesn't make any sense. Ramadhan or As Sawm (The Fast ) is a routine that should be implimented by every Muslim believers during the day light hours and even during the entire month to keep control over his five senses which include the pleasures of Seeing, feeling (touching), Tasting : speaking (Command over the Tongue) listening and Smelling. This means that a believer should keep away from the worldly pleasures through the sense of eyes like watching movies,Songs or other time-Spoiling entertainments, he should abstain from drinking and eating food, refrain from relationships like Sexual-intercourse,Should withdraw from listening to music and other pleasures to our ears,Should not involve in unfair activities like Arguing, Abusing,Gossiping,False-Witness,back-biting, spreading rumours or Scandals, lying , insincerity,double-dealing and duplicity.
He should also try to limit or avoid cosmetics and perfumes as they are the signs of luxury.

The Main intention of  Ramadhan is to break the distinction between the 'have's' and the 'have not's'.
This also helps the upper class people to remind themselves about the hardships and the sufferings
faced by the underprivileged.This is a month of Charity and Patience. One should forgive to others mistakes and be patient to each other.This is also a month of Sharing and Co-operation. Its mandatory for every muslims to give charity( Zakath)  from 2.5 % of there annual Savings.
Thus the month of Ramadhan teaches a believer how to lead a truthfull and a meaningfull life and the need to follow it through out  his entire life time.

An Iftaar gathering for the breaking of the fast on the call of the Magh'rib adha'an (@ the time of the Sunset).

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