The Revolver -

Thursday 12 August 2010

The Five Pillars of Islam -

 The Five Pillars of Islam  includes the five obligations on every Muslim. These duties are
 The Shahada (Testimony of faith), Salath (prayers), Sawm (fasting), Zakat (giving of alms especially
 during Ramadan) and Hajj -Pilgrimage to Mecca, home of the Masjid al-Haram ,the Sacred Mosque.
 These five practices are essential to Muslims.
 The Salath or the Salah includes five sessions of prayers namely Fajr (Prayer before Dawn), Dhuhr or Zuhr
 (after the Mid-Noon), As'r(@ the evening ),Mag'rib ( after the Sunset ) and Isha'a ( at the evening).

The Shahadah or the Testimony of Faith

Ash'hadu An la-Ilaha Illallah , Wa Ash hadu anna muhammada rasoolullah.

The Shahadah or the testimony of Faith declares the principle of Monotheism, that is the belief in One God.
It says that there is no God Other than the Almighty Allah and the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) is his Messenger.

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