The Revolver -

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Assalamu Aleikum and a Hearty Ramadhan Mubarak.

Salam Aleykum dear Muslim brothers/Sisters,
Its indeed a pleasure for me to start a blog named 'The Path to Heaven or Paradise', on this auspicious day of the very first day of Ramadhan. First of all my hearty Ramadhan Wishes to all of you.
May Allah make your fastings and Sacrifices easier, meaningful, and worthy. May Allah be pleased with your good deeds and thoughts. May Allah fullfill your Dua's and approve you prayers. May he be gratified by the Salaths and Zakaths you do in this holy month of Ramadhan. May he make your future life in the Duniya and Akhirath Successfull......Ameen...........!

So lets try to understand the true values of Islam and strive to do utmost good deeds (Amals) by reciting the Holy Qur'an, Performing the Salath on-time,Prostrating, doing benevolent things to our fellow beings ( at the same time keeping away from all nasty deeds ) and also by giving Charity and be a true muslim. Ameen.......!

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